Blog Posts from July, 2014

The Caterpillar

We had our summer blessing of the gardens here at the Soup Kitchen on Meldrum today. We assembled on this unusually cool July day under a tent at the end of the parking lot next to the Unity Garden.

Water Struggles In Detroit

Have you heard about the water struggles in Detroit? Let me share a reflection written by a Detroit Pastor: Rev. Bill Kellerman:

“ In our traditions water is a free grace, part of the great gift that underlies all creation.  We drink it as life itself.  We wade through it to freedom. And in conversion we are immersed and sprinkled and cleansed.  It is the lifeblood of the planet, circulating as rain and river…For governments which serve the people, a water system is a public trust, held in trust for this generation and those to come.  For the United Nations access to clean portable water is counted as a human right.

Warm Sesame Herb Olives

A day without olives is like a day without sunshine. My affair with olives started as a child. From the lowly Lindsey rubber canned black olives that every kid found in the relish dish at “fancy” occasions, which ended up stuck on our finger tips. Each one consumed one at a time lest we get glaring looks from our perfectly coiffed mothers in the 60’s and 70’s.