Christmas Words for 2017

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Author: Sr. Nancyann Turner, OP

Several days ago the children of the Rosa Parks program were challenged with the question of “What does Christmas mean to you?” Many thoughtful answers occurred. One significant thought that emerged was that we need to choose how we are going to celebrate Christmas….it is not just about getting presents.

We have to almost be Christmas…be the kindness and the love and the birthing that is core to Christmas. Each child spoke a word of how they thought they could BE CHRISTMAS:

                        Give peace

                        Be a friend

                        Practice peace

                        Speak your love

                        Be kind

                        Warm a heart

                        Extend your hand

                        Renew hope


                        Be grateful

                        Try to heal

                        Bless someone

                        Worship and pray

                        Build family and community


                        Love others.

Out of the mouth of Children great hope has arisen and great wisdom was spoken.