Upcoming Events

A view of the Residences at St. Matthew

(Photo from Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan)

Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan is redeveloping the historic school at St. Matthew Parish on Detroit's east side. The school buildling will be transformed into the Residences at St. Matthew with 46 apartments with on-site health services and other amenities for low-income residents. The units are intended for households earning no more than 30%, 50% and 60% of area median income.

The Capuchin Soup Kitchen is honored to be a part of this project by furnishing the 46 apartment units and you can help by purchasing items from our wish list or by volunteering on March 22, 2025 to help get the units ready for residents to move-in.

View the wish list Volunteer for apartment set-up

Residences at St. Matthew Website

Thank you!

That's in addition to men's and women's underwear, clothing and more than $15,000 in cash donations. These items will be used to support our shower program. Many of our unhoused guests as well as those who have housing but lack access to running water come to us for a hot shower and a change of clothes.

The Capuchin Soup Kitchen partnered with Local 4 on a Go 4 It campaign to supply the shower program at our Conner Community Center. Every day our volunteers and staff served hundreds of freshly-prepared meals, with breakfast, lunch and dinner on weekdays and breakfast and lunch on Saturdays. In addition, guests can receive a hot shower and change of clothes through our shower program. And with winter approaching, many of our unhoused guests will be in desperate need of warm blankets.

A big thank you to Local 4 viewers who came together to support our Detroit community. Together, you supplied the Capuchin Soup Kitchen with:

  • 23,051 pairs of socks
  • 994 blankets
  • 4,603 towels

Although the Go 4 It drive is over, we still gratefully accept monetary donations to support our mission of tending to basic needs and striving to stimulate minds, nourish spirits, and address root causes of social injustice.


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Capuchin Community Services - By providing your phone number, you agree to receive promotional and marketing messages, notifications, and customer service communications from Capuchin Community Services. Message and data rates may apply. Consent is not a condition of purchase. Message frequency varies. Text HELP for help. Text STOP to cancel.See terms.

Giving thanks ahead of time for your generosity, we're asking our benefactors to take a look inside their closets and get a jump on spring cleaning!

The Capuchin Services Center is facing an acute need for clean, gently-used men's and children's clothing items. These items will be sorted and folded by volunteers and made available to those in need. All seasons, all sizes, all colors and types are needed. To donate, bring your items to the Capuchin Services Center located at:

6333 Medbury St
Detroit, MI 48211

Donations accepted Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

How to Donate:

  • Please have all donation items in bags or boxes if possible
  • Please place all donations in trunk or as far back as possible in the vehicle
  • Follow directions of the signs and staff. Pull up into the garage.
  • Advise the attendant of what you are donating. (see the donation guidelines below under “What to Donate”). Please note that donations will be accepted at the discretion of staff.
  • The attendants will unload the bagged/boxed donated items from your vehicle.
  • If requested, a donation receipt is provided.

What to Donate:

✅ We will gratefully accept:

  • Clean, gently used quality clothing (men and children’s clothing are always in greatest demand)
  • Clothing accessories such as belts, hats, and shoes.
  • New men’s and women’s underwear, socks, and hygiene items especially for our shower program
  • Used or new shoes and boots especially for men and children
  • Winter gear
  • Bed and bath linens.
  • Baby and adult diapers.
  • Gas and electric stoves in good working condition
  • Refrigerators in good working condition (no more than 12 years old)
  • Dishes, pots and pans, silverware, small working appliances
  • Non-perishable food items (commercially manufactured and packaged)

�� We will not accept:

  • Furniture such as chairs, or couches
  • Electronics such as used computers or televisions
  • Used infant furniture, car seats, strollers, cribs, etc.
  • Clothing with bad odor, dirt, hair, or clear signs of pest or bed bugs.
  • Household chemicals
  • Medical supplies

El Centro de Servicios Capuchinos ayuda anualmente a 228.000 de nuestros vecinos de Detroit con alimentos y ropa de emergencia.


6333 Medbury St.
Detroit, MI 48211

Teléfono: (313) 925-1370

Para donar: (313) 925-1370, ext. 3100

Para obtener alimentos, ropa e información general: (313) 925-0514

Situado cerca de Mount Elliott Street y la autopista I-94.


De 8.30 a 15.00 de lunes a viernes.

Para obtener alimentos, ropa u otros servicios

Es indispensable hacer una cita un día antes.

Documentos necesarios para ser atendidos:

  • Documento de identificación y/o pasaporte no vencidos
  • Prueba de dirección (un bill o factura con su dirección y su nombre)
  • Certificados o pruebas de nacimiento de los niños o pasaporte
  • Cualquier otra información que se le pida

Sobre el centro de servicios

El Centro cuenta con una despensa de alimentos Shoppers' Choice que se asemeja a una pequeña tienda de comestibles, con congeladores y frigoríficos, islas de verduras y frutas, y estantes para pan y pasteles. Cada huésped recibe un número determinado de kilos de alimentos, en función del tamaño de su familia. Los productos no perecederos y la carne congelada se incluyen en las libras asignadas, pero no así las verduras frescas, los productos lácteos, el pan y otros alimentos perecederos. Estos productos están a disposición de los consumidores por encima de su peso total. Más bien, están disponibles sin limitación. La despensa de alimentos distribuye más de 10.000 libras de alimentos al día.

La zona de distribución de ropa ofrece una experiencia de compra "al por menor" y distribuye más de 1.700 prendas al día.

También distribuye electrodomésticos para familias que restablecen sus hogares tras un incendio o una estancia en un centro de acogida. No hay criterios geográficos de elegibilidad; sin embargo, todos los beneficiarios del servicio son entrevistados por un trabajador de asistencia de emergencia. Se debe facilitar la identificación de todas las personas para las que se solicita asistencia. Las familias tienen derecho a recibir asistencia alimentaria cada treinta días, y reciben alimentos suficientes para mantener a una familia de cuatro miembros durante una semana. Un paquete de alimentos típico contiene diez libras de carne, productos secos enlatados y en caja, productos frescos y fruta.

Los servicios de gestión de casos están a cargo de trabajadores sociales titulados, y se ofrecen grupos de apoyo para madres y abuelos que crían a sus nietos.

Se aceptan con gratitud donaciones de alimentos, ropa, electrodomésticos y muebles en buen estado. Se necesita ropa usada, limpia y en buen estado para hombres, mujeres y niños. En la actualidad, tenemos una mayor necesidad de ropa para niños y hombres, junto con ropa de tallas grandes.

Nuestros dos centros del programa de comidas están abiertos a todos, de forma gratuita, y sirven comidas completas y nutritivas a hombres, mujeres y niños cada día. No hay criterios de elegibilidad y las comidas se sirven en espacios amplios, limpios y atractivos.

Programa de comidas de Meldrum


1264 Meldrum St
Detroit, MI 48207

Teléfono: (313) 579-2100


8:30 a.m. a 9:30 a.m.
De lunes a viernes


11:00 a.m. a 1:00 p.m.
De lunes a viernes

Defensor del cliente y capellán disponibles

Sitio del Programa de Comidas Conner


4390 Conner St
Detroit, MI 48215

Teléfono: (313) 822-8606


8:30 a.m. a 9:30 a.m.
De lunes a sábado


11:00 a.m. a 1:00 p.m.
De lunes a sábado


De 16.00 a 17.00 h.
De lunes a viernes (los sábados no hay cena)

Trabajadores sociales y capellán disponibles
Más información

Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del traductor DeepL.com

If you have any cans of "Tasty Kitchen Chicken Noodle Condensed Soup" from the Capuchin Services Center, you are advised to return it to the Capuchin Services Center for a replacement.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has issued a product recall for cans of "Tasty Kitchen Chicken Noodle Condensed Soup." Any unused product should not be consumed. If you would like a replacement product, please bring unopened cans of the product to the Capuchin Services Center for a replacemenet. We kindly ask to please call the Capuchin Services Center at (313) 925-1370 to schedule your visit.

Tasty Kitchen Chicken Noodle Soup labels

The cause of the recall is due to the Canadian-made product being produced without a reimport inspection. There are no confirmed reports of illness or reactions due to consuming the recalled product. If you are feeling ill, contact a health care provider.

More information on this product recall is available from the USDA.

To get into the festive fall spirit, the Capuchin Soup Kitchen is hosting a Halloween Candy Drive for the kids of the Capuchin Soup Kitchen and we're asking for your help with candy donations!

Between now and October 31st, we'll be collecting donations for Halloween candy to give out to the kids who visit the soup kitchen. Candy will be checked by staff before Halloween and packaged for distribution to ensure safety.

To donate, you can either drop off or mail a candy donation of your choice to our Conner location at 4390 Conner St, Detroit, MI, 48215 or purchase an item from our wishlist at ofmcap.cc/halloween!

The kitchen will also host a special kids' meal that day as well. Join us as we work to make each holiday special for our kids. God bless!

Breaking Bread newsletter archive

View our recent Breaking Bread newsletters. To sign up to receive Breaking Bread in your mailbox, e-mail us at [email protected].


Our Rosa Parks Children’s & Youth Program is once again hosting our annual Easter Basket Giveaway!

Every Saturday before Easter, the Rosa Parks Program gives out Easter baskets filled with toys, candy, & other treats, but we need your help to make it happen!
Between now and Easter, we are requesting donations of premade Easter baskets for this event. Last year, we gave out over 400 premade baskets to kids and families from the Capuchin Soup Kitchen's Conner location!

We encourage you to create your own Easter baskets or pick up premade baskets from your local department store. Baskets must be prewrapped and delivered to the Capuchin Soup Kitchen Conner location by Wednesday, March 27.

We also have prewrapped baskets that can be purchased and shipped from a wish list! We thank you ahead of time for your generosity and support!!!

View the wish list

We are partnering up with PizzaPlex in an effort to support our Capuchin Soup Kitchen. PizzaPlex, a southwest Detroit pizzeria specializing in authentic Neapolitan-style pizzas, has an incredible tradition that originates in Italy called sospeso. Sospeso means to pay it forward. PizzaPlex recently launched the Sospeso Collective to support a small number of organizations doing the work, including the Capuchin Soup Kitchen.

A PizzaPlex pizza margherita - tomato, mozzarella and basil

We’d like to ask you to pay it forward and purchase pizzas and pizza kits that will help us provide delicious, from-scratch pizzas to guests of the Capuchin Soup Kitchen. You can help by purchasing directly here: https://pizzaplex.square.site/s/order. Scroll to the bottom and look for Sospeso Collective Pizzas and PIzza Kits benefitting Capuchin Soup Kitchen. At checkout, you can skip the part about pickup or delivery. The pizzas and kits will be delivered directly to our Meldrum and Conner meal program sites.

A PizzaPlex pizza kit

We give thanks ahead of time – mille grazie in anticipo – for your generous support in providing meals for our guests.

Buy a Pizza

Buy a Pizza Kit

Capuchin Soup Kitchen 2024 Christmas Toy Giveaway

You can help spread joy and love this holiday season by donating new, unwrapped toys, games, and books for children of the Capuchin Soup Kitchen. Your generous contribution will bring smiles to many faces this holiday season!

What to donate

New and unwrapped toys, books, coloring books, and crayons suitable for ages 0-12. Please do not donate clothes or perishable items.

How to donate

Shop the wish lists below, mail, or drop off your gifts at:

Capuchin Services Center
6333 Medbury, Detroit, MI 48211

Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
We will also be open on Saturday, December 14 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. to receive donations.

Amazon Toy Wish List  Amazon Book Wish List  Target Wish List


Hunger Free in the D logoFor the eleventh consecutive year, the Celani Family Foundation is teaming up with WJR-AM (760) Radio to launch the Hunger Free in the D campaign, benefitting the Capuchin Soup Kitchen and Gleaners Community Food Bank. Through Monday, November 25, the Celani Family Foundation will match up to $200,000 in donations to the Capuchin Soup Kitchen and Gleaners Community Food Bank. Double your impact and help us serve people experiencing challenges this holiday season and all year long.

  • The effort culminates in a live radiothon on All Talk with Tom Jordan & Kevin Dietz at 9:00 a.m. followed by Focus with Paul W. Smith on WJR AM 760 as well as on WDVD 96.3 FM, Monday, November 25, 2024. Tune in that day and know your contribution to the Capuchin Soup Kitchen will be matched by the Celani Family Foundation!

The 2024 Hunger Free in the D radiothon and donation drive is closed and was a huge success! Thank you for your support. If you wish to make a non-matched donation to support the Capuchin Soup Kitchen, you may still make an online gift below.



You can help a student achieve this school year by making a donation to the annual Rosa Parks Youth Program school supply drive!

The Capuchin Soup Kitchen’s Rosa Parks Youth Program along with Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan is collecting school supplies in an effort to help students achieve academic excellence. You can help by purchasing supplies from our Amazon or Target Back-to-School Drive wishlists.

Amazon wishlist

Target wishlist

Donations of like items outside of the wish list can be mailed or dropped off to:

Capuchin Soup Kitchen
Att'n: Megan Murphree

4390 Conner St
Detroit, MI 48215

Or you can make a monetary gift to support drives and programs like this one.

Thank you for helping us to empower local families!

Thank you ahead of time to the members and directors of the Detroit Regional Relocation Council for considering a gift to the Capuchin Soup Kitchen.

Since 1929, the Capuchin Soup Kitchen has offered hospitality, compassion and a warm meal to those suffering through challenging circumstances. As the Capuchin friars and their partners in ministry work to attend simply and directly to spiritual and other basic needs, we offer our gratitude for joining us in this work by making a gift.

The Capuchin Soup Kitchen does this work through seven programs at five locations:

  • Meal program sites at our Meldrum Kitchen and Conner Kitchen
  • Capuchin Services Center food pantry and clothing distribution program
  • Jefferson House CARF-accredited residential substance use disorder treatment program for men
  • On the Rise Bakery and Cafe providing work experience and job training to men recovering from addiction or returning from incarceration
  • Rosa Parks Youth Program providing after-school tutoring and art classes for Detroit youth
  • Earthworks Urban Farm, a 1.5-acre USDA-certified urban agriculture program providing education and training opportunities, while supplying fresh produce to our meal sites

The following information reflects the most up-to-date information on COVID-19 related adjustments to programs, services, protocols and hours of operation at Capuchin Soup Kitchen sites.

Capuchin Soup Kitchen - Meldrum Meal Site

1264 Meldrum Street
Detroit, MI 48207
(313) 579-2100

Capuchin Soup Kitchen - Conner Meal Site

4390 Conner Street
Detroit, MI 48217
(313) 822-8606

Capuchin Services Center

6333 Medbury Street
Detroit, MI 48211
(313) 925-0514

Hours: 8:30 am to 4:00 pm Tuesdays through Fridays. Those seeking food are asked to make an appointment by calling (313) 925-0514. We ask that in-kind donations, such as clothing, not be brought until further notice in order to cut down on travel and traffic. Our social workers will be available.

Earthworks Urban Farm

1264 Meldrum Street
Detroit, MI 48207

Jefferson House

8311 E. Jefferson Avenue
Detroit, MI
(313) 331-8900

Rosa Parks Children's Program

4390 Conner Street
Detroit, MI 48217

On the Rise Bakery and Cafe

8900 Gratiot Avenue
Detroit, MI 48213
(313) 922-8510

Many people have been asking how they might help us help others at the Capuchin Soup Kitchen, as we are serving people who have recently lost their jobs, in addition to those we normally serve. For everyone's safety, we've canceled all of our in-person fundraisers, including our largest fundraiser of the year, the annual SOCK Dinner held at TCF Center in September. We ask you to be safe, and to consider others with love and kindness during this difficult time. 

Now through June 1, 2020, The Bollinger Foundation will match every donation made to the Capuchin Soup Kitchen, dollar-for-dollar, up to $20,000! Help the Capuchin Soup Kitchen provide meals, social work services and kindness to metro Detroit residents during these difficult times.


Since 1929, the Capuchin Soup Kitchen has been serving the people of Detroit, offering a hot meal and joyful hospitality in the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi. Will you partner with us to fulfill our mission of attending simply and directly to the needs of those who are struggling with poverty, homelessness and hunger?


Since 1929, the Capuchin Soup Kitchen has provided food and clothing to people in need. Serving up to 2,000 meals a day, we depend on people like you. Will you help us? Or if you prefer, please mail your check to the Capuchin Soup Kitchen, 1820 Mt. Elliott, Detroit, MI 48207. We thank you.


The Capuchin Soup Kitchen is registered a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.

A gift to the Capuchin Soup Kitchen helps feed bodies, nourish spirits and strengthen communities.


The Capuchin Soup Kitchen is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization.


The Capuchin Soup Kitchen is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization.

Philanthropy is based on voluntary action for the common good. It is a tradition of giving and sharing that is primary to the quality of life. To assure that philanthropy merits the respect and trust of the general public, and that donors and prospective donors can have full confidence in the not-for-profit organizations and causes they are asked to support, we declare that all donors have these rights:

I. To be informed of the organization's mission, of the way the organization intends to use donated resources, and of its capacity to use donations effectively for their intended purposes.

II. To be informed of the identity of those serving on the organization's governing board, and to expect the board to exercise prudent judgment in its stewardship responsibilities.

III. To have access to the organization's most recent financial statements.

IV. To be assured their gifts will be used for the purposes for which they were given.

V. To receive appropriate acknowledgement and recognition.

VI. To be assured that information about their donation is handled with respect and with confidentiality to the extent provided by law.

VII. To expect that all relationships with individuals representing organizations of interest to the donor will be professional in nature.

VIII. To be informed whether those seeking donations are volunteers, employees of the organization or hired solicitors.

IX. To have the opportunity for their names to be deleted from mailing lists that an organization may intend to share.

X. To feel free to ask questions when making a donation and to receive prompt, truthful and forthright answers.


2017, Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), all rights reserved. Reprinted with permission from the Association of Fundraising Professionals.

< February, 2025 >

20th Annual JW Smith Charities Bowling with the Brothers

Friday, February 28, 2025 (7:00 PM)
Knock down some pins for a good cause at the 20th Annual J.W. Smith Charities Bowling with the Brothers at AMF/Rose Bowl in Roseville. Read More...