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Rosa Parks Children & Youth Program

Capuchin Soup Kitchen – Rosa Parks Children & Youth Program from Capuchin Province of St. Joseph on Vimeo.

The Rosa Parks Children & Youth Program seeks to stretch the minds of young people, stimulate their creativity, and explore with them alternatives to violence.

This is accomplished by means of after school tutoring and art therapy sessions for children ages 6-15, a lending library of over 5,000 books,  numerous seasonal family activities such as making Christmas cookies and decorating Easter Eggs. Teen boys’ and girls’ groups focus on the development of youth leadership.

A three week summer peace camp for all children features art, drama, music, dance, peacemaking classes and field trips. Other summer priorities include a one week leadership camp, a three week academic camp and a garden program that meets twice a week throughout the spring and summer.

Rosa Parks Children & Youth Program brochure

Support our Annual School Supply Drive!


Summer Peace Camp

Every summer we host a Peace Camp where we invite Detroit's children and youth to come and learn about nonviolent conflict resolution, expressing their feelings through art and dance, plus other creative outlets like videography. This empowers and inspires these children to become peacemakers in their community. Each year, the participants reflect on what peace is to them.


Support the Rosa Parks Children & Youth Program