The Art of the Season Continues

Initially, this season the children made several beautiful winter paintings. Later, we made blizzard pictures and talked about the storms in our life. We even made snowflake designs focusing on the exquisite beauty of each individual snow flake. Finally, it seemed time for the children to make pictures that said ‘Good Bye, Winter.’ Next, we made pictures to welcome spring. Finally, last week all the art groups made ‘Spring House Cleaning’ pictures: ‘What do we need to clean out of our life to be fully alive in spring?’

And still we have no spring weather. Still we yearn for the warmth and beauty of spring. Yet, I am grateful for the seasons of the heart. Even though the weather is still chilly and cloudy, so many things and people bring spring to my heart each day.

Author: Sister Nancyann Turner, Adrian Dominican Sister
Capuchin Soup Kitchen Rosa Parks Children Program Manager