A Day at Antonio Cucina Italiana Restaurant

On Monday, June 16, I spent all day at Antonio’s Cucina Italiana in Canton where we celebrated the feast of St Anthony. The Capuchin Soup Kitchen was the designated recipient of all proceeds from the “free-will offering” for the noon buffet, and a portion of the dinner sales as well. During all those hours at the restaurant I was nearly overwhelmed by the generosity of the people—in fact, upon my arrival, even before I made it from the parking lot into the building, a donor had pressed into my hand a check for $1,000. Subsequently, over substantial helpings (more than several) of delicious food I talked with countless benefactors, some of whom have contributed to the Soup Kitchen for years, some for the first time. We are extremely grateful to Antonio Rugiero and all came out to support us that day!

Author: Br. Jerry Smith