God Is Our Strength

Today at prayer, we took a section of Chapter 40 from Isaiah.  We focused on the fact that God is our strength.  To lead into that I asked the question: “Where, besides in God, do you find strength when you are weary and tired?”  We had a variety of answers from the beauty of creation to one’s children or grandchildren.  One said when he is weary, he finds strength offering help to others.  Many said in reading the Bible.  Several said they find strength in silence and solitude.  Another found it in her mother who was a source of great strength for her as she grew up.  One man in his 40’s said that he just had his big toe amputated two weeks ago and said that he has found great strength in the soup kitchen and especially in Cynthia Lockhart, who works at the Conner site.  He said he got the stitches out, and the doctor told him that for one with diabetes, he is healing exceptionally well.  He remarked, “Now with a toe missing, I find I can walk even better with the Lord.”  Such great faith resides in the hearts of these friends who eat with us at the soup kitchen, it is humbling and encouraging. -Br. Bob