Recovery Works

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Author: Amy Kinner, Director of Jefferson House

This weekend I had the opportunity to talk with a former resident of Jefferson House. He was at the house covering a shift for a staff member who was on vacation. We caught up a bit and talked about people we knew and how they are doing. Then he shared about himself. He let me know that some people are surprised he is still sober and want to know how he does it, but he tells them there was no “magic” to his recovery—it has taken hard work, a willingness to do the work and a decision to never use, “no matter what.” He is proud of this and the work he has put into his meetings, his recovery homework (he is still doing homework!), and the mentorship he offers newcomers to the program. He reaches out to the residents at Jefferson House and many of them he is still in contact with today because he inspires them and gives them hope that if he can do it they can too. Two weeks later and I am still smiling to myself about this conversation. This wonderful man, who has grown so much, reminds my spirit that recovery works.