Sandra, You Are A Survivor

Recently in our Wed. prayer, we considered that it is what comes out of a person rather than what goes into him/her that makes for uncleanness. As a reflection, I asked the participants to share a time when they gave an encouraging word to someone else to build up rather than tear down. Or, to share a time when they received such an encouraging word from another. That, instead of a negative example. I think the best example came from “Sandra,” who has cerebral palsy. She speaks with great effort so people need to listen up when she speaks. Her reply to the question was: “The best word to me was: ‘Sandra, you are a survivor.’” Short and to the point, Sandra walks with a cane and has made it through life in tough times into her late 40’s. She indeed is a survivor. A glimpse at her determination and positive spirit lifts me up. 

Author: Br. Bob Malloy 

Capuchin Soup Kitchen Pastoral Director