Twelve Step Program Sponsor

Recently, a man in his 40’s came to my office very distraught saying that he had fallen off the wagon.  He had been sober for 8 months, and with some stressful days recently, he drank again.  “I just had to talk about it to someone,” he said, “but I can’t talk to my family about this.”  He went on to say, “I felt so guilty.  I just felt miserable.”  He talked about the stress and how his life was falling apart right in front of him. We went on discussing his priorities and where to start with the changes he wants to make in his life.   He asked what I thought, and I questioned him about whether he had a sponsor.  He said, “You can be my sponsor,” and I reminded him that it is appropriate to have someone in the Twelve Step Program be his sponsor.  After a half hour or so, he looked up smiling and remarked, “I feel much better now, thanks for listening.”  He didn’t call it confession, there was no ritual of confession, but he felt much lighter as he left my office.

Today he came back again and said that he hadn’t had a drink for the last week and he felt more in charge again.  He asked what I thought, and I questioned him about whether he had a sponsor.  He said, “You can be my sponsor,” and I reminded him that it is appropriate to have someone in the Twelve Step Program be his sponsor.  We went on discussing his priorities and where to start with the changes he wants to make in his life.   He is feeling better about himself and beginning to rebuild the life that has been crumbling.  The soup kitchen is a safe place for him to come for bodily and spiritual nourishment. The obstacles are not so overpowering when he can face them with support. - Br. Bob